The Brooke Group is a professional search practice partnering with academic cancer centers, health science centers, and research institutions. We specialize in providing confidential, innovative, and strategic recruiting services to organizations seeking uniquely qualified professional, executive, and technical talent to fill key perm and contract positions in higher education, research, and healthcare.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The earliest description of cancer was found on Egyptian papyrus
dating back to 1600 B.C. It says that breast tumors are removed by a fire drill,
but that "there is no treatment".
Wow...It would be fascinating to see what a fire drill was and how they diagnosed cancer. There is so much to learn and explore in this fight to cure such a deadly disease. Too many people are being impacted by it, even though we have so many technological advances. I am humbled and am forever grateful to the people "behind the scenese" doing their best to find a reprieve and cure.
Wow...It would be fascinating to see what a fire drill was and how they diagnosed cancer. There is so much to learn and explore in this fight to cure such a deadly disease. Too many people are being impacted by it, even though we have so many technological advances. I am humbled and am forever grateful to the people "behind the scenese" doing their best to find a reprieve and cure.